Geen categorie

  • Kunstspot is looking for talented writers

    Kunstspot is a platform for professional visual and applied art in Groningen. Through stories, it inspires a young audience and…

  • Meet Thomas

    We introduced two trainees a while ago, but there is another one! Thomas Loderus is studying communication & multimedia design…

  • Design competition around the topic of food

    Art & Culture organises a food design competition for designers (from Drenthe) entitled VET!, voeding in de 21ste eeuw. With…

    by Bertine Aalderen, van
  • Meet the interns

    Two interns have started working with us in november 2018. They both have their own assignment and speciality. Keetje Wantenaar…

  • Working process designers

    The six designers who have made new products from waste material for Groningen have been keeping track of their work…

  • Photo report Groningen designs

    What a beautiful day it was Sunday during the design festival “Groningen designs”! Bright sun, beautiful products and installations and…

  • Dag van de Duurzaamheid (Sustainability Day)

    Within the context of Sustainability Day, House of Design will present items and installations made of waste material in Oosterstraat…

    by Bertine Aalderen, van
  • Route for Groningen ontwerpt

    Here is the route for Sunday October the 7th. The Piepschuim Party starts at 11.00 and the designroute at 12.00…

  • New initiative: Groningen ontwerpt

    Designroute and EPS Party with sustainable alternatives for the innercity of Groningen. On Sunday October 7th you will find all…

  • Beestreet in the press

    The BeeStreet will open in Leeuwarden on Saturday 15 September. It is a project aimed at the greening of inner…

    by Bertine Aalderen, van