DPC textile


innovation concerning textiles


House of Design wants to take a step with the business community to make product development more innovative and sustainable. When a designer is involved in product demand at an early stage, this can generate a lot for the company and the environment. Design determines 80% of the costs and the environmental impact of a product is determined!

Design Pressure Cooker
The Design Pressure Cooker (DPC) has proven to be a successful method for achieving sustainable innovation. House of Design has been working with this method for several years – also in an international context – in order to make innovation tangible quickly.

The Frisian company Omrin collects and processes waste in the North of Holland. They want to improve the collection of textile waste. When it is collected in a better way, they can also separate is better and give it second of third life.

Questions where: How can we stimulate people to separate textile better? How can we make new fiber? Can we make the recycle store more attractive?


Where: The Blokhuispoort in Leeuwarden
When: Friday 5th of Februari 2016
Frisian Design Factory
Studenten CMD van de NHL
Promovendi van de TU Delft

  • 'This wouldn't have happened when we would have worked with people in our own discipline, it would have taken months!'  
    Employee UMCG
  • 'Because of the Design Pressure Cooker, our team has gone another direction entirely. This resulted in an overall improved product'
    H. HarskampHarskamp Rooftops
